Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Creating a Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainable Consumption and Production

One of the main recommendations to the 3rd International Expert Meeting on a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (Marrakech Process) was to establish a broader global stakeholder dialogue on sustainable production and consumption with greater outreach towards all governments and stakeholders. The proposal is meant to create space for a substantive dialogue on sustainable production and consumption to frame the context of the Marrakech Process. The idea for a global stakeholder dialogue forum was initially made to Multi-stakeholder Panel by the NGO forum representative Mr. Uchita de Zoysa of the Centre for Environment and Development (proposer of this project) at this meeting organized by UNEP and UNDESA The proposal has been discussed since with key persons from global stakeholders working on Sustainable Consumption and Production and is now in the development stage with their consent, support and input. The proposal now is openly disseminated for greater dialogue and development.

SCP is the engine of sustainable development. It is not just another transversal or overarching theme; it is the very framework that will enable us to meet the consumptive needs--the MDGS, among others--of all within the ecological carrying capacity of the planet. SCP, however, requires a dialogue of all nations and of all people; discussions on SCP need to involve, and be taken up by, a much broader public in order to raise the profile of SCP at the national level, and develop widespread political support for effective action. For that, stakeholders need tools, resources and solid arguments to show that the world has more to gain than to lose by adopting sustainable production and consumption patterns. Good practices need to be shared, the barriers and obstacles to SCP need to be identified, and positive future scenarios of happy, fulfilling and ecologically sustainable lives and livelihoods that will serve as inspiration and guidance need to be developed jointly. The Marrakech Process is currently centred around regional and international meeting of experts on SCP, with the support of other mechanisms: Task Forces; Cooperation Dialogue; NGO and Business Forum, etc. Creating space within the Marrakech Process to allow for ongoing dialogue on SCP, how to mainstream it, how to deal with the costs of a massive transition towards a sustainable and sufficiency economy, etc., seems both timely and necessary. The discussions of this dialogue are not only important in of itself, but it can also inform and contribute to the development of the 10YFP.

The main aspects of the proposal are based on the following aspects;
i. To create an open/participatory mechanism of the Marrakech Process to dialogue and promote the international SCP objectives (eg: ensuring wellbeing of all, promoting happiness, eradicating poverty, enabling sufficiency economies, promoting green consumption - eco innovation – green procurement and sustainable markets, etc.)
ii. To induce the involvement of stakeholders into decision-making and into consultative structures of the Marrakech Process
iii. To ensure that right to know and right to information and knowledge is established within the Marrakech process (e.g. going beyond a discussion of “experts” and involving nations)
iv. To develop and provision effective, transparent and verifiable consumer information tools relating to sustainable consumption and production.
v. To provide a forum for partnerships for a sustainable planet to evolve.

It is herewith proposed that the Global Stakeholder Forum on SCP Dialogue is conducted during international and regional meetings of the Marrakech process, UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) sessions, Marrakech Task Force conferences, Business & NGO Forums, etc. and in partnership with relevant stakeholder leaders and the United Nations Secretariat for the Marrakech process.

The main projects of the Global Stakeholder Forum on SCP Dialogue will be;
1. Reviewing and making comprehensive proposals to the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (UNEP/UNDESA Living document) and
2. Conducting comprehensive multi-stakeholder review of efforts, success and failure since the Rio Earth Summit to implement the Agenda 21 objectives and action commitments on production and consumption agreed to in 1992 by governments.
3. Conduct and report on the analysis of the primary national concerns and barriers (political, economic, cultural, etc.) within and among governments in and outside the Marrakech Process to (1) developing domestic policy frameworks to encourage the shift in production and consumption patterns, and (2) developing and instituting action plans to implement those policies. This should be started within a year after the Stockholm Conference.

ontact person ;
Mr. Uchita de Zoysa
Executive Director - Centre for Environment & Development
253/10, Stanley Thilakaratne Mawatha, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 2768459 Mobile: +94 777 372206 Fax: +94 11 5553493
e-mail: skype: betterworldasia